
In early July 2000, I finished my serious exam for applying to universities.

That was a national and grand exam for all senior high school students in Taiwan.

Every student concentrated all their efforts on getting good results in this important exam.

If they got good points, they could enter a good university and be regarded as a winner.

Most people thought that studying at a good university related to having a good job and a successful life.

However, things didn’t turn out the way I thought they would.

I wasn’t successful and got a private university entrance.

I should have got a national college entrance, not this one. I was absolutely disappointed.

Then I wanted to sit next year’s exam, but I didn’t.

To be a winner was not the most important thing to me. Then I studied at my lovable alma mater.

If I hadn’t studied at my alma mater, I wouldn’t have met my first boyfriend. We wouldn’t have had wonderful memories together.

I wouldn’t have been devastated by splitting up with him.

If I had studied at another college, there wouldn’t have been an opportunity for me to dance.

I wouldn’t have fallen in love with the ballroom dance.

If I had taken part in the exam of the next year, I wouldn’t have met friends who I met in my alma mater and wouldn’t have traveled with them in Taiwan.

If I hadn’t studied in physics at my college, I wouldn’t be fully qualified as a researcher in physics and wouldn’t work in ITRI.

I wouldn’t have passed one of my milestones for going oversea by myself.

Most of all, I wouldn’t have met John and be enthusiastic about improving my English.

If all hadn’t been so, I wouldn’t be who I am.

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